We wouldn't have a Fair if it weren't for the generosity of our sponsors
Feel free to email gvagsociety@live.com for more info or let us know you’re interested in being a part of this event!
Ready to Sponsor? Complete the form below.
UP TO $250
Fair Supporter
- Donation /Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsor
- Acknowledged on our website
$500 +
Silver Sponsor
Certificate of Appreciation
Acknowledgement on Website, and all GVAS promotional materials/flyers, etc.
Gold Sponsor
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Acknowlegement on GVAS website
- Company Logo sign displayed on Fair grounds ( please provide a clear copy of your logo
Platnium Sponsor
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Acknowlegement on GVAS website
Company Logo sign displayed on Fair grounds signs
(please provide a clear copy of your logo)
"Gifts in Kind"
Any donation of "gift in kind"
will be acknowledged via our sound system throughout the weekend of the fair